Friday, December 19, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

NOPLACIA at Samuel Freeman Gallery, Los Angeles


October 25-December 13, 2014

"NOPLACIA was once my name,
That is, a place where no one goes."

Thomas More

Laundry Mill, 67x75", 2014

Weaving object, 50x90 cm, 2014

Floating Tent, 200x200 cm, 2014

Cut canvas weaved, 40x60 cm, 2014

weaving in the studio in Copenhagen, sept 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

MASTEBROEN (the bridge of masts), a public commission in the City of Holbaek.

I finally finished the commission, Mastebroen, for the City Council of Holbaek. 

Based on Holbæks history as a harbour city, and especially the fact that Holbæk origined around the "Ship-Bridge", I have been interested in the image of shipmasts in the harbour.
For centuries the life of a harbour could be read by the amount of shipmasts that was moving in its waters. From a long distance these masts was the image of the relation with exotic parts of the world. The ships would bring foreign loads, new people - and if life would get too tough, they were the way out- for the dream or the escape.

The project is created with support from Hasløv and Kjærgaard Architects.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

SAMUEL FREEMAN Gallery Los Angeles (solo show)

In October I will open my first soloshow with Samuel Freeman in LA, the show opens October 25 2014.