Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ABC Art Fair Berlin

Sept 18-22

For the abc Art Fair I will build a structure that will form a space within the space as well as host my paintings.

Looking forward!

Stage two -170x150 cm, 2013

 Other end - 120x110 cm, 2013
model of the structure I am building at the fair 1:50.
Hanging the work onto the wooden folds installation created a conversation between the representation and the real material of the wood.

Commission of the City of Holbaek finished

I am proud to show the finished wall painting of Holbaek City Council.
As a part of the project: How far is The Horizon - curated by Solvej Helweg Ovesen, my 11.5x5.5 m commission is finally there.
more about the project here: HOW FAR IS THE HORIZON